Work easier, faster and smarter with this level. Its tough Structo-Cast® frame is non conductive and will not scratch fine wood or painted surfaces. The level also comes equipped with durable acrylic vials for easy reading at different angles and the level is field serviceable. Its Quik-Change™ replaceable vial covers minimize job downtime.Work easier, faster and smarter with this level. Its tough Structo-Cast® frame is non conductive and will not scratch fine wood or painted surfaces. The level also comes equipped with durable acrylic vials for easy reading at different angles and the level is field serviceable. Its Quik-Change™ replaceable vial covers minimize job downtime. See More
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Work easier, faster and smarter with this level. Its tough Structo-Cast® frame is non conductive and will not scratch fine wood or painted surfaces. The level also comes equipped with durable acrylic vials for easy reading at different angles and the level is field serviceable. Its Quik-Change™ replaceable vial covers minimize job downtime.